Is Cuffing Season Overrated?
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Something even scarier than spooky season is just around the corner, and no, it’s not your midterm grades. It’s Cuffing Season. Here’s a little PSA about why you don’t need to tie yourself down a significant other any time soon.
Maybe it’s been awhile since your last relationship. Maybe you just got out of one and are looking for something new. Maybe you’re just feeling a little lonely. We know that sometimes it’s hard to be on your own, especially around the holidays, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to jump into something serious with that “special” someone you’re talking to or your casual hookup. Being single isn’t so bad. In fact, being single can be one of the best chapters in your life, especially in college.
So, what does it even mean to be single? Despite what every romantic comedy ever made might make you think, being single is a power move. It means only worrying about yourself and doing whatever makes YOU happy. You don’t have to worry or think about someone else all of the time. Being single means you’re free, in the broadest sense, to do anything. Whether it’s going out five nights in a row or locking yourself in Bird all week to study, you’re free to do whatever your heart desires.
Relationships can make people and priorities hard to balance. Whether you’re choosing how to spend your time between friends, school, clubs, or anything else, relationships are a commitment and consume a lot of time and energy. That being said, think about if it’s really worth it to make some sacrifices in order for your relationship to work.
Also, ladies, hot girl semester is still in full swing. Although it’s nice to have a little distraction, college, when it comes down to it, is about school. Worrying about some random person you met at Harry’s last Thursday can just add anxiety to your already stressful schedule. We hate to sound like your mom, but school is important. We want you to get that summer internship you’ve been interested in and live happily ever after! We nag because we care.
What we’re trying to say is, you don’t need a partner to make you happy. You don’t need a relationship to be happy. Meeting new people and making new friends, going out and having a good time, and working hard to get your dream job is the wholesome content that college is all about. Empower yourself and make sure you are appreciating your time in college, because it flies by.
Now, if you really like this person you’re thinking about cuffing, we are not here to discourage you. I was cuffed almost exactly one year ago and at the risk of sounding too adorable, it has been one of the best years of my life. While it can be hard to balance my commitments, school, and friends, my relationship works because I’m with someone who pushes me to find happiness in my work, social life, and in everything I do. My relationship is only one part of my life that makes me happy, the rest is all me.
Most importantly, never forget that college is about YOU. This is the time to be selfish and figure out what you want to do and who you want to be. Loving yourself always comes before loving someone else. With this in mind, think about what’s best for you before jumping into anything this cuffing season.