It's Not Always Sunny in Syracuse

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It is officially November here in the frosty city of Syracuse. Moldy leaves cover every inch of your path to class. Your white Nike Air Force 1s are covered in mud from stepping in a pool sized puddle that was frozen over. You skate across the slick $6 million promenade right in front of your crush while trying to fix your inside-out umbrella. Yes, the rainy and snowy weather may cause us to slip and slide throughout the day; however, your makeup doesn’t have to. With our secret tips and tricks here at Jerk, your makeup is guaranteed to last all day long (but if there’s a glitch, don’t quote us).

1. Waterproof Products

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The easiest way to make sure your makeup doesn’t end up making you look like Mulan’s matchmaker post-tea-spill is by using waterproof products.

Mascara is the most important waterproof product you should use. Too-Faced Better Than Sex Mascara keeps your long lashes in place all day, whether you get caught in a monsoon or have a good cry fest.

Additionally, to avoid those tragic raccoon eyes —unless that’s your look, we don’t judge— your eyeliner should be water resistant and cry-proof. Kat Von D, despite her controversial personal life, makes the perfect waterproof eyeliner. The Tattoo Liner keeps your eyeliner from smudging and winding up all over your face. Thank us later.

2. Setting Your Beat

To avoid your foundation from clotting or dripping off your face to expose that volcanic pimple you found the morning after a NIGHT out, make sure your face is thoroughly set before stepping out. You never know what the weather will bring throughout the day, so pull up with that setting routine in advance!

First, you should apply powder directly to your wet base, whether that be foundation, concealer, or both. You may use powder foundation or translucent powder. We recommend Too Faced Born this Way Setting Powder, as it comes in three different shades and mattifies your foundation without making your face cakey.

After your look is complete, it is of utmost importance to spray your whole face with setting spray. The Urban Decay All Nighter Setting Spray is the most iconic setting spray on the market. It locks in your look quite literally all night. If you want something a little lighter, we recommend using the Morphe Jeffree Star Set and Refresh Mist. The mist helps keep your makeup in place. Also, its strong strawberry scent oddly gives us a nostalgic feeling that brings up flashbacks from that deep place in all our minds. We’re talking about those cherished memories of Strawberry Shortcake scratch and sniff stickers and that one Cabbage Patch Doll that smelled like berries.

3. Touching Up

In case you get caught in an unexpected blizzard on your way to class, you should carry products to be able to touch up your makeup on-the-go.

First, you should carry around makeup removing wipes. You can purchase travel Neutrogena Makeup Remover Wipes, which are individually wrapped and take up little room in your backpack. They also just look adorable and smell heavenly.

Another product makeup lovers should carry on them at all times is the travel sized Tarte Shape Tape Concealer. With incredible coverage, Shape Tape can touch up any rain-related incident that may expose that stubborn pimple we talked about earlier.

Lastly, we’ve all heard the phrase, “when in doubt, blend it out.” Bringing something to blend makeup with can always get us out of a messy situation. If you’re wearing a full glam look to class, or even just a little concealer and mascara, you should bring a beauty sponge in your backpack just in case you fall victim to Syracuse’s unpredictable weather. If you accidentally use regular mascara and need to turn the black smudge into a smoky- eye, your beauty blender is here to the rescue. The Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge comes with a travel sponge case to minimize any messes.

No matter who you are or what your skill level may be, makeup is an important outlet for self-expression. By following our tips and tricks, your masterpiece will stay snatched all day.