What Your Piercings Say About You
graphic by lillian su
What is it about getting a needle poked through a chunk of skin for a little sparkly piece of jewelry that makes us so willing to spend $50 at Halo Tattoos on Marshall? Lots of us have piercings, but with so many to choose from, the ones that you do pick say a lot about you. If you forgot why you even got some in the first place, let us fill you in.
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Standard Lobes: When you got these, you were about eight or nine and you didn’t get them because you were into piercings, you got them because sitting in that tall chair at Claire’s holding the teddy bear with all of the piercings and feeling absolutely petrified was a rite of passage. Your mom finally gave in after you begged for a year after seeing all the other cool third graders getting their ears pierced.
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Helix: If you have a helix piercing, you’re not exactly edgy, but you got this because you’re trying to be. Basically, you wanted something that says “I’m cool and daring,” but at the same time you can’t commit to anything too crazy… and god forbid you to pierce anything on your actual face. Your mom probably didn’t like that you got it, but you don’t care because you’re a rebel.
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Nostril: If you didn’t already have one upon arriving to college your freshman year, you quickly decided this would be the best way to start your journey of “finding” and subsequently “defining yourself.” There’s a good chance that this decision will be the first of several other piercings and possibly a shitty tattoo of a design you saw on the Pinterest explore page.
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Septum: What was it, like two years ago when these were the thing to get? We still don’t know where the hell this trend got pulled out of. Girls and guys across the nation braved the risk of looking like a bull for this piece of jewelry. Seeing one out in the wild now gives us flashbacks to those good old days. Also, you probably ran a Tumblr blog at some point (sorry, we don’t make the rules).
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Belly Button: We like to think of this one as the “tramp stamp” of the body jewelry world. That being said, unless it’s suddenly 2007 again, and low-rise jeans come back into style suddenly, these probably won’t either.
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photo courtesy of freepik.com
Daith & Tragus: These are badass. If you have one of these bad boys, you either have a really fucking high pain tolerance or a really low one when it comes to migraines because guess what? Several very scientific studies have shown that there is a possible link between getting one of these piercings and reducing migraine pain due to the pressure points they hit in the ear. So if you have one of these, we really can’t tell if you’re immune to pain, or just get really bad headaches. Either way, we’re impressed.