Syracuse FADS presents The Gallery Fashion Show

Honestly, being in FADS built up a lot of anticipation for me. I was excited to see what all the work the designers would culminate in. However, going into the show with JERK presented the unique opportunity to see the organization from the outside. The interior of Skybarn was tastefully designed, draped with prints and set up with moody orange and white lights. Everything about the room and mood screamed ART. All the designs reflected the theme, using colors, prints, and fabrics in a unique mix. There were denim ensembles painted with graphics and striking lines of color. There were mini dresses made from multicolored swaths of cloth. There was even a dress that appeared to be made out of straws and a dress framed in an intricate body piece that resembled stars. The Gallery combined what many love about art ー color, patter, differing structures, boldness, and even a little camp ー into an entertaining collection of garments. FADS doesn’t fail to impress in any way. It was an amazing experience. - Surya Vaidy