How to Bring Out Your Feminist Side
photo courtesy of @feminists Instagram
We think it’s fuckin’ stupid to reduce the celebration of women’s accomplishments in history to just 31 days. For us at Jerk, it lasts all year. Then there are others who don’t think it is necessary because women have achieved equality, which is false. It’s true that women have come a long way since the suffragette movement 100 years ago. However, it is still necessary to honor the ladies in 2020. The women who brought us this far deserve a celebration every goddamn day of the year. By highlighting disruptive women in history, our current generation can start a conversation about the prevalence of sexism today.
Here are 10 ways you can bring out your feminist side this month:
Educate yourself on women’s history
The whole idea of this month is to encourage individuals to learn about female contributions to today’s society. There is an endless list of stories about legendary women who made history. Read up!
Attend panels in your own neighborhood
Research organizations in your town and see what events they will hold. We started going to them in middle school and it made us realize we weren't alone and that other girls have had the same experiences as we have.
Watch feminist Ted Talks
There are so many badass intellectuals on the web. Some of our favorites are “We Should All Be Feminists,” “A Call to Men,” and “Confessions of a Bad Feminist.”
Keep up with feminist news
The Equal Rights Amendment. Women in the election. The #MeToo movement. This is some important shit, people. NowThisHer News is the perfect place to go for updates.
Watch feminist movies
To name a few of our favorites: “Suffragette”, “Hidden Figures”, “A League of their Own”, “Wonder Women”, and “She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry”.
Donate to a nonprofit
Figure out whether you want to donate to a certain country or worldwide. Then, decide which issue you want to support whether that be education, domestic violence or another important cause. Every penny counts and you can really make a difference.
Take it to social media
Follow and repost material from feminist social media accounts. We, at Jerk, get so much joy from woke shit like Nancy Pelosi yelling at Trump or angry tweets. You’re welcome, followers. Our favorite Insta accounts are Feminist, Girlboss, Womeninterruptd and Feminist.herstory.
Participate in campus or volunteer orgs that supports women
Some strong on-campus organizations include Student Advocating Sexual Safety and Empowerment and I Am That Girl.
Rep some merch
Buy a shirt or frame a feminist inspiration quote to put up on your wall. Buy a sports bra that says “Women Don’t Owe You Shit” and watch your confidence grow by 1000x.
Show support for Take Back the Night
Help raise awareness and take a stand against sexual and relationship violence by supporting this annual event. Sign the pledge. Make a star. Post on social media about this issue. Let your voice be heard!