College Advice From Our Friend TED
Graphic by Sophia Beney
Ah, college; the trial run at life that matters more than high school but less than adulthood. College is the epitome of “just winging it,” and the ultimate period of trial and error. Let’s be real, a lot of the time we have no idea what the hell we are doing. When it comes to how to live, how to think, how to act, and how to learn, a little guidance is always appreciated. Luckily, our good friend Ted is here to make us feel less lost and alone. These are TED Talks that all college students should watch.
Matt Cutts: Try Something New for 30 Days
In college, it’s easy to grasp onto a sense of established routine… and then hold onto that routine for dear life. Class. Dunkin. Gym. Class. Dining hall. Repeat. It’s a wild ride, it goes by fast, and it often feels out of our control. It is easy to find peace in the construct of a routine. Don’t get us wrong, structure and organized routines are necessary and great in moderation. But in this TED Talk, Cutts argues that these routines build up walls and form strict comfort zones. Switch it up. Try something new. Get Starbucks instead. Take a funky elective like baking next semester. Incorporate an element of risk into your typical routine.
Kelly McGonigal: How to Make Stress Your Friend
Stress is simply inevitable. Being stressed out means that you are working hard, putting in the effort, and caring about the work you do. Yes, stress is a reminder that you care. How do we SU students typically cope with our stress? Partying our stressed little hearts out, distraction, and procrastination. In this TED Talk, McGonigal argues that instead of suppressing your stress (or covering it up with 3-day benders) you should turn stress into your motivator and as a means to connect and relate to others.
Hailey Hardcastle: Why Students Should Have Mental Health Days
Yup. Jerk is giving you permission to ditch all of your classes… Kidding, but we do advocate for prioritizing self-care just as much (or more) than academic success. If this means you need to sleep through your 8 am or get lecture notes from a friend every once in a while, so be it! This TED Talk addresses the way that mental health days benefit you in the long run because they prevent burnout, save your productivity, give you space to rest and recharge, and teach you how to listen to your body.
Emilie Wapnick: Why Some of Us Don’t Have One True Calling
From major declaration to being divided by home colleges, it’s easy to forget that you are not limited or constrained to a singular path. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to pursue all of your interests at least once in your life. The system in place of deciding what you want to do at seventeen and then sticking to it for the rest of your life goes against basic human impulses. It contradicts the fact that our interests change and evolve as we grow. In this TED Talk, Wapnick encourages us to view our studies and plans as a place to start rather than a final destination.
Erin Miller: Stripping Down the Hookup Culture
College is the ultimate era of keeping it casual. In this TED Talk though, Miller asks the question: Who is hookup culture really benefiting? Why does hookup culture make someone seem “crazy” or “emotional” for just having feelings or not being able to separate sex with something real? She explains that “Meaningless relationships and cheap thrills are becoming our new norm.” Give this one a listen, especially if you feel isolated by craving a genuine romantic connection in college.