Let's Talk About YOU...For The Third Time
Photo courtesy of Pinterest / @collider
Let’s unpack one of the most talked about shows on Netflix. We’re all thinking the same thing, what in the damn hell was that! Most importantly, are you team Love or Joe? Let’s discuss.
The much anticipated third season of You premiered Oct. 15, and we may or may not have finished it in a day. For those who have never watched the show (but you SHOULD), Penn Badgley and Victoria Pedretti return as Joe and Love, who are now married and living in a wealthy California suburb with their child. Like many “normal” marriages, Joe is not too happy. Because Love also murders people, his perception that she is a sweet, innocent woman that needs protecting is ruined, so he goes in search of a new romance (typical macho man behavior).
If you remember, the end of season two left us with a cliffhanger of Joe once again becoming obsessed with another woman, his married next door neighbor, Natalie, played by Michaela McManus. Her appearance this season was short and sweet. Love got mad and knew Joe was interested in someone besides her — and killed her. Classic. We get being a little jealous, but murder? We’re not too sure. Maybe she’s a Scorpio. Of course Love had to tell Joe what she did, and then it ensued into quite the big mess as one may guess. Love then gets romantically involved with Natalie’s stepson, Theo (Dylan Arnold), who we assume is probably 19 or so years old, which is um…interesting in itself. But she still gets mad when Joe cheats. This duo, we can’t.
Natalie was just the first of a long list of murders this season. Joe really tries to hold back his murderous cravings, and honestly, he almost succeeds. He and Love however are not too great of a couple as they both have a tendency to kill people and kind of egg each other on in the worst way. Can you say toxic? After Love kills Natalie, Joe once agains finds someone new to fixate and obsess over, Marienne (Tati Gabrielle). At this point, Love, girl, it’s not you. It’s definitely him. For the rest of the season, Joe fixates on Marienne and shows just how far he’ll go to prove his love for her. And he goes pretty far. But we don’t want to spoil too much more of the show (even though we kind of already did spoil everything).
One more thing we will tell you is that you will be just as fixated as Joe the entire season. So who is ready for some You time?