What the Fuck Is Going on in Texas?
photo courtesy of unsplash / adam nieścioruk
This past Tuesday, Governor Greg Abbot released a statement that Texas will be lifting mask regulations and easing up on COVID restrictions. This comes at a time when multiple new variants of COVID-19 are popping up and cases are at a record high. In Gov. Abbott’s philosophy, Texas and its people have dealt with COVID long enough to the point where they no longer need regulations from the state. This is up there as one of the most idiotic decisions in the history of Republican politics. Private businesses are allowed to keep their company-wide policies about enforcing mask use in their stores, but any public area in Texas cannot regulate this or discipline those who refuse. However, the lift on mandatory masking will likely cause a sharp decline in enthusiastic mask use, as well as other states following Texas’ lead.
We’re not sure whose genius idea this was, but this means Karens everywhere now have an excuse to refuse to wear a mask. The lack of mask mandates mirrors the very beginning of the pandemic when people staged mask protests on the basis of infringement on their rights. It is so ridiculously stupid that people who don’t like wearing masks are now able to endanger the entire country even more. Especially at a time when vaccines are scarcely accessible and many vulnerable populations are still at risk. Why is the comfort of a maskless face outweighing the benefits of keeping your community safe? The people that are going to stop wearing masks are selfish, inconsiderate assholes who simply do not care about other people.
When talking about COVID-19 in Texas, it’s important to discuss the unequal impact the pandemic has had on people of color. This population in Texas has had the most difficult time obtaining the vaccine and has had the most community deaths out of any other population. People of color also have ongoing disparities due to unequal access to health care and income inequality. There is also the privilege of being able to avoid COVID. Those able to work from home and make the same wages are less likely to be exposed to coronavirus than those working minimum wage jobs. This inherently harms communities of color, who are more likely to work essential jobs during the pandemic.
Called “neanderthal thinking” by President Biden, this lift on mask regulations will likely create an influx of exposures. It’s kind of hard to stop a global pandemic when Texans are roaming the countryside mask-free, spreading a deadly virus to communities that have already been bulldozed by Corona. Over the last week, Texas has averaged around 200 deaths a day due to the Coronavirus. Vaccines are inaccessible globally, creating a gloomy outlook on this trend stopping anytime soon. This is the worst time to lift regulations, with variants popping up and more cases every day. To all our Texas readers out there, stay safe, stay vigilant, and keep doing what’s right, the end of COVID is so close.