'Cuse in Crisis
Graphics by Anika Dua
Hey Jerks! Are you excited for next year’s round of housing chaos? Well, I didn’t think
so. But, I do have some news to share with you. Whether it is good news or bad news, all depends on you.
Less than two months coming into this new semester, numerous upcoming juniors and seniors have to worry about housing. This is probably because of –well not naming names– Syracuse University’s trend of over admitting the freshman classes; first noted in the class of 2026.
Remember back when the class of 2025 had this same problem as sophomores were kicked off to South Campus or crammed into the Sheraton because of the large freshman class? Well, it’s fair to say that history repeats. And this will continue to repeat until S.U realizes these greedy actions have consequences. And hint-hint: this affects US mainly as students. Now, the competition and stress for next year’s housing has increased significantly due to the large class of sophomores. Which results in the off-campus housing being rented out even sooner than expected.
So to conclude S.U, maybe next time just don’t accept more students than you can house? Just a thought!