5 Reasons To Be Single This Summer


One of the top 10 reasons we love summer is flings. Whether you’re slaving away at an internship in NYC or taking body shots in a tiki bar, you’re bound to find a temporary hookup if you look hard enough. Bonus points if you scope out someone with air conditioning. Being single especially in the summer is the shit, not shitty – and here’s why.

No long-distance crap. With only a few days left in the 'Cuse, your seemingly convenient relationship becomes super complicated. Among the plethora of awkward questions that are bound to arise: Will you "take a break" over the summer? Will he come to visit you, or will you visit him? Will you introduce him to your high school ex that you still hook up with when you're home for Thanksgiving and Christmas?

Flirt without guilt. There’s something powerful about not having to answer to anyone or "clocking in." Plus, flirting is great when there are no strings attached. Flirt with whomever you want, wherever you want, and whenever you want – with a free conscience.

Unlimited "you" time. Living no-strings-attached over the summer is the perfect opportunity to focus on yourself, your career goals, and your future. Sign up for a web design summer course to add to your resume, or enroll in training to become EMT certified.

The toilet seat stays how you want it. We all know how difficult it can be to adjust to others’ personal habits. You’re used to doing things one way, but your partner does it totally differently – and the next thing you know, your bathroom is totally rearranged. This problem is nonexistant when you’re ridin’ solo.

A cell phone doesn't dictate your life. If your phone is buzzing every two minutes, it’s a potential hookup that you’re sexting with – not an needy, overprotective girlfriend or boyfriend. You’re free to schedule as many girls’ or guys’ nights out as you want. You’re also free to leave your phone at home without having three missed calls and 12 texts asking where you are (unless, of course, it’s your mom).

So the next time you want to vomit after seeing a couple being lovey-dovey and holding hands on the quad, restrain yourself. Remember that being single isn’t a curse – it’s a a blessing.

What's your plan for the summer? Are you struggling through long-distance masochism? Comment below and let us know.