Guys’ Surprising Turn-Ons
By Lindsay Dolak
There are two things most people know about men. 1) They are confusing. Every person who has ever been involved with a guy knows they can be a little hard to follow—because they play mind games or because they’re idiots is yet to be determined. 2) They think about sex. A lot. It’s nature. Many men would probably argue that sex is something that just randomly pops into their heads at any given moment, but I think there’s more to it than that. There have to be triggers. There has to be something causing that surprising mid-class boner.
The most common assumptions about what turns men on are usually physical. A solid rack or a Kardashian-like ass are the usual suspects. Is it possible, however, that men are maybe not so predictable about what turns them on and they’re actually not as shallow as they seem? Well, I wouldn’t go that far, but here are the most surprising responses I received when I asked a few good men what really turns them on.
“When a girl has a great, well-thought-out, well-said answer in class. That gets my attention.” – Jeff, sophomore
“I like soft hands. I don’t want any dry skin scraping me when she’s giving me a handie.” – Ross, sophomore
“Girls who can wear purple well. Not many can. Think about it: You have to be good looking to pull off purple.” – Shawn, freshman
“When a girl walks around in one of my shirts.” – Steven, sophomore
“Those girls who can talk about sports and actually name five players on their so-called favorite team.” – Vin, freshman
“If a girl can get wasted and not start crying or puking, she’s an absolute winner in my book.” – Christopher, junior
“Red lipstick.” – Joe, senior
“Girls that don’t wear all black. There are way too many look-a-likes on this damn campus. I can dig some originality.” – Trevor, sophomore
“When a girl can really twerk.” – Sean, junior [See: The Official Twerk Team. Warning, totally NSFW]
“I love when a girl has a good vocabulary. Just kidding. I love when a girl can spin around while she’s riding it. Yeah buddy.” – Dominick, freshman
“Confidence..” – Joshua, sophomore
See ladies, the moral of the story is: stop trying to fit a mold of supposed attractiveness. Every guy has his own quirks and turn-ons and you never know when you are doing exactly the right thing to make a guy think about you while he whacks off. And what better compliment is there than that?