Halloweekend 2010

Four Loko in one hand, trick-or-treat bag in the other

Well, hopefully you’ve all recovered from Halloween, also known as just one long theme party! After making my rounds and doing a little bit of harmless Facebook stalking, I’ve concocted a little report on what I saw, didn’t see, and wish to never see again.


Antoine Dodson: After his television interview went viral and was remixed into the Bedroom Intruder auto tuned hilarity that we all can’t get out of our heads (sorry roommates!), I just knew we had not seen the last of “Hide your kids! Hide your wife!” Guys and girls alike this Halloween grabbed their bandanas, black wife beaters, and some even penciled in some facial hair to tell everyone just how dumb they really are.

Miner De Chile: I couldn’t help but start hysterically laughing upon laying eyes on a Miner de Chile costume this past weekend. With black covering their faces and clothing, these men surely got creativity points – although, what would have been even better is a wife and mistress tag-a-long. Oops!

Trick-or-Treat!: There was nothing better than hearing the doorbell ring on Sunday and seeing a group of 20 year old trick-or-treaters asking for some candy. Kind of pathetic? Definitely. But props for trying!


No, you may not touch my Tinky Winky! : While I’m all for group costumes, all I can say is why the hell were there hundreds of Teletubbies running amuck through Syracuse this year? Spotting a few here and there would be one thing, but I couldn’t look across a crowded room without seeing Dipsy feeling up Lady Gaga!

WHERE WAS THE MEAT DRESS? Speaking of Lady Gaga, I heard all this hype about people recreating their own meat dresses, as seen on Lady Gaga at the VMA Awards, and alas – nada. Not a steak, or even a piece of uncooked bacon in sight!

RIP Slutty Costumes? While the costumes this year bordered a new level of laughs, I was kind of shocked … and dare I say, disappointed, at the lack of risqué nature of costumes for men and women alike. No bared bellies or mini skirts made of nothing. Not even one Speedo. I know it was pretty fucking cold this weekend, but come on Syracuse!

Honorable Mentions

Avatar: I might be the only person left on the planet who has not yet seen Avatar, but I’m assuming it involved well … blue people? Am I right? Because that is what I witnessed this weekend - little blue people taking over the streets of Euclid. While I’d like to give points for commitment to the blue body paint, I’m going to have to take points off for the damage done to my costume while dancing with you.

Four Loko: Forget “you are what you eat.” Apparently at Syracuse, your drink of choice is what you wear for Halloween. And what a great choice it is. Oh ps... These dudes made their costumes entirely out of duct tape and laundry baskets.

Pffft Twilight! I was expecting to go blind thanks to Edwards all over campus sparkling in the light of the strobe. Instead I spotted Sookehs and Bills finding shelter in the dark, and all I can say is: Bill, you can suck my blood any night of the week.

Kaitlyn Monteiro is a regular contributor to Single-ish in Syracuse, updated on Thursdays.