#HimToo Brings the Wrong Group of Men to Public Attention


According to President Trump, it is a “very scary time for young men in America.” Apparently, men are now falsely accused of sexual assault left and right, and women are out to destroy not only reputations, but the male population as a whole.

This narrative came to be after the Brett Kavanaugh accusations and subsequent Supreme Court hearing. Many believe that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford was falsely accusing Kavanaugh and that her entire testimony was a fabricated story to halt the nomination of a conservative judge.

Now, post-hearing, conservative men and women have taken to social media to share their concerns. The hashtag #HimToo has resurfaced, claiming that no man is safe from being falsely accused of sexual assault by women.

Basically, the story has flipped, and the once offenders have become the victims.

On October 6, a now-deleted tweet by @BlueStarNavyMom3 detailed a mother’s concerns about her son in the #MeToo era. She claimed her son won’t go on dates alone “due to the current climate of false sexual accusations by radical feminists with an axe to grind.” Damn.

In classic Twitter fashion, the son wittily responded to his mother’s post. He stated that he “never will support #HimToo.”

The hashtag #HimToo has been repeatedly used and shared on multiple social media platforms, most notably Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. However, it is not being used to echo the problem it was initially meant to bring attention to.

#HimToo was first used by male sexual assault survivors and their allies to share their stories around the time #MeToo was picking up speed. Unfortunately, it was quickly overrun by conservative social media users attempting to combat the #MeToo movement.

Let’s take a look at the facts:

Statistically, men are more likely to be sexually assaulted than falsely accused of sexual assault.

At least 1 in 6 men have been or will be sexually abused or assaulted. According to 1in6.org, these statistics are probably underestimated, because “males who have such experiences are less likely to disclose them than females.”

In comparison, false accusations are rare, with various studies estimating they occur between 2 and 10 percent of the time.

So basically, people are more worried about men being falsely accused than men who are sexually abused or assaulted, even though the latter is much more prevalent. This then led to the usage of #HimToo as a male-as-victim movement, but for the entirely wrong reasons.

We at Jerk want everyone to know that yes, false allegations do happen, and the people who falsely accuse are pieces of shit. However, more often than not, men and women are telling the truth when they come forward about their past with sexual abuse, harassment, and/or assault.

So, to those that are “scared” for men right now, maybe you should shift your attention to the people that actually need it: the male survivors that you have ignored for decades because of stigma and ignorance.

Stop trying to fight a battle that wasn’t even there to begin with.