iPhone 4S: One Step Closer to the 5

By Shea Garner

It would be wrong not to begin this article by recognizing the truly brilliant and innovative mind of recently passed Apple founder, CEO, and visionary Steve Jobs. His work revolutionized the Apple corporation and the technologic world as a whole, and he will be missed.

This past week the folks at Apple held their annual conference in Cupertino to introduce the new iPhone 4s, among other things. This was the first conference held without Steve Jobs as CEO, and Tim Cook and the Apple team seemed nervous taking the stage. Looking back, they probably all had knowledge of Jobs’ worsening condition and their anxiety showed.

Much like the iPhone 3GS, this upgrade is more about functionality than aesthetics. Boasting the same design as the previous iPhone 4, the 4S is all about what’s on the inside (because that’s what counts). Here’s a rundown of the new features that can be found in the iPhone 4S:

iOS5: The iPhone’s next software platform has a bunch of new features, many of which have been improved upon. All those pesky notifications that pop up can now be found in one place with Notification Center. You no longer need a cord to update your phone with music and other media because iOS5 is PC-free and functions with the iCloud. And finally, iPhone users can feel even more exclusive with iMessage, a messaging service that works through all iOS5 products. BBM, you just got served.

A5 Chip: The 4S may look the same as your iPhone 4, but it is literally twice as good on the inside. The new A5 chip has a dual-core processor and delivers seven times faster graphics. It even preserves battery life, all while doubling the functionality of your phone. Faster, easier, and more fun…if only you could say the same for your girlfriend.

Camera: The new camera on the 4S has bumped up to a whopping 8-megapixels: three more megapixels than the iPhone 4. Apple also invented a bunch of super high tech sensory shit to make the photos look even better. This is a camera phone that is better than most digital cameras on the market. Eat that, Nikon hipsters.

Siri: Move over James Bond, Siri is here. Now, everyday citizens that can afford the luxury of the iPhone 4S can have their own personal robot assistant. Just talk to Siri through the mic and she can write and send a text for you, add or move an appointment, play your favorite music, tell you the weather, or set an alarm. The possibilities are endless. The robot apocalypse is now.

Will you upgrade to the iPhone 4s? What are your thoughts on Apple, Steve Jobs, etc? Let us know in the comments section below.