JERK Spies: Some Girls Boutique
By Charlotte Horton
All right Jerk fashionistas, I’m not going to bullshit you. I come from a small, suburban town and a middle-class household in Southern California. So after paying $50,000+ to be here, I don’t necessarily jump at the chance to spend $100 dollars for a tank top like at other boutiques. But I’ve noticed while walking down Marshall St.—amongst being called “pretty girl” and being bantered at about sales on Syracuse sweaters—a legitimate little shop with some damn good style.
If you’re looking for affordable prices, daily sales, and an experience while shopping, I’ve discovered Some Girls Boutique to be exactly that.
Some Girls: An Insiders Look
Walking into the boutique I was lucky to have the owner of both the Troy and Syracuse locations, Margaret Partyka, at my disposal. She refers to both her team and customers as “bunnies”—yes, I immediately thought Playboy bunnies too. But in her case, she is comparing her girls to cute, little, actual bunnies. She prides herself on these ladies and respects them. “Everyone who works here is a personal stylist and a creative, stylish problem solver,” Partyka says.
And I saw this in action. There was a gawky, tall girl trying on a painfully short dress for her frame at the time, and Tara DeSalvo, manager of the Syracuse location, went straight to fixing the problem. “The yellow dress looked so much better. This one might be too short for your body,” she advised the customer. And voilà, she was damn right. The Some Girls team prides themselves on “kindness and flyness,” giving each customer a unique, one-on-one experience while shopping at the store. I also got the opportunity to spy in on the decisions made about new pieces they wanted to add to the Some Girls inventory. “This works, that works, oooh I like this, they won’t buy that now, we need more mullet skirts,” were just some of the comments thrown around.
The Syracuse location primarily consists of Syracuse student-employees, who work with Some Girls in their specific department of interest. Internships with the store include: photography, writing, modeling, and public relations.
Some Girls Style Spotlight: Kali Mehrotra
Kali is currently the writing and modeling intern for the Some Girls Syracuse location. She not only has a deep understanding of the store and its products, but also has an individual style that stands out amongst what we would typically expect from a Syracuse sorority girl. She’s both edgy and girly, wearing black combat boots one day and sparkly Toms the next. She’s most known for being the face of Some Girls, becoming Facebook-famous over night. And though seemingly standoffish when you meet her anywhere else; her energy in the store is magnetizing.
1. Little Black Dress
2. Most Unique Accessory
3. Most Wanted