Top Three Apps for Booze, Girls, and Hookups


By Shea Garner

Young Money isn’t the only one who's embraced the iPad's broad range of capabilities. (“Watchin’ pornos on the iPad, that’s really raw,” raps Pharrell on Tyga’s latest single Really Raw.) The release of the iPad 2 this month proves that Apple is seeking world domination.

Which is awesome. Modern technology solves hundreds of problems on a daily basis with hundreds of corresponding apps. No longer need sorority girls worry about the number of calories in their triple-Venti sugar free, nonfat, no foam, extra caramel macchiatos. There’s an app for that.

Applications have been spreading like herpes over spring break and, since last year’s introduction of the iPad, the app market has grown immensely. Submissions from third-party developers have been so bizarre that Apple published guidelines for their App Store. After all, no one wants to see their classmates watch Kim Kardashian and Ray J get busy during Psych 101 – or do they?

From the depths of the App Store, we’ve uncovered some bizarre ones that may come in handy over the next few months – in the home stretch until May.

iBeer | Tired of roommates calling you a pussy for not drinking when you have a hangover? This app simulates a pint of beer that disappears as you “drink” it, bubbles and all. Cheers!

My Girl’s Day | Concerned about keeping up with your fuck buddy’s (or girlfriend’s) special “time of the month”? Keep track with this specialized calendar app. Combat the mood swings with a brownie from Ernie Davis. Or don’t. Yeah…don’t.

Passion | Place your iPhone next to your bed and test your drunken hookup skills. The phone’s accelerometer and microphone gauge your sexual technique and then rates you on a scale from 1 to 10. Don’t worry, it happens to everyone.

What's your favorite app? Let us know by commenting below!