The Merits of Sexting


By Lindsay Dolak

My first camera phone was the original Motorola Razr, the iPhone of its time. It could do it all. It could make calls, send and receive texts, but most importantly, it could send naked pictures to any guy I wanted. Wait what? Yes, that’s right, you’re reading another article about sexting. But before you roll your eyes and go back to your mindless midterm study session, hear me out.

Sexting -- sending risqué texts and/or pictures implying a specific want for the person on the receiving end’s shall we say “private parts” – has become quite prominent among young adults. Scorned and looked down upon as irresponsible and inappropriate by adults everywhere, this phenomenon has created quite the rep for itself. Personally, I think the little guy’s just misunderstood and I’m here to explain why.

Sex is an uncomfortable subject for most. I don’t care if your dad’s a gyno and your mom’s the university’s therapist, it’s still the mashing of genitals together and it’s still a little awkward to talk about sometimes, especially face to face. How many of you would walk up to some guy or girl you’re interested in, look them in the eye, and say “I want your body”? If you would, you are the creepiest person ever.

Texting, BBM, and all other forms of instant messenging have given their users the ability to alleviate some of the awkwardness associated with sex talk by taking away the face-to-face element. It’s much easier to tell someone how and where you wish to please or how you wish to be pleased when it’s via cell phone. Maybe there’s a little confidence boost that comes with knowing the person on the other end is…uh…“using” a picture of your body to bring about that certain happy ending. When someone sexts you, they obviously want you, at least in one way, so the risk of putting yourself out there sexually is lessened. I’m not saying send a racy pic to every guy or girl you think about in your spare alone time, but the fear of putting yourself out there is slightly lifted.

Personally, I’m not a sexter. I’m not physically attracted to words on a screen, but I can see the value of it. I can respect the reasons it goes on and I think more adults should, too. For those of you whose favorite position is best described with emoticons and a QWERTY keyboard, I would just say be careful. You wanna send a guy a picture of your chest while you’re dozing off before bed? Go ahead. But do have some form of trust involved. Once you send something out to one person, it is technically available to all, especially if the receiver is an asshole. There is merit to the argument that sexting is an irresponsible act but I believe that when done correctly, there isn’t much risk involved, and, for all those adults out there worried about their kids and their camera phones, consider: no one’s getting anybody pregnant with a sext. Now my Razr and its 1.23 mega-pixel camera doesn’t seem so scary, does it?