The Red Light District Moves Online With .XXX

By Sam Morrison

Internet porn, a major influence in the early stages of the interwebz, was the brainchild of computer geeks in the mid-90s. People wanted to send large pornographic files to one another more efficiently than using USPS – and leave it to hormones to influence the evolution of our society. Fast-forward 15 years, and the Internet is filled with all types of dirty smut and sluts.

Over the last 10 years, the ICN Registry has been petitioning to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) to include a “.xxx” top level domain. Last week, the ICANN board of directors approved the creation of this red-light district online. The new domain, to be pronounced “dot ex-ex-ex,” will be classified as a pornographic site. Both a pro and con: parents can block all .xxx domain websites on their horny teenager’s Macbooks. But then again, if Little Johnny is a geek, he’ll probably just hack his way back in.

No requirements are necessary to register a porn site as a .xxx domain, so the whole process seems kind of pointless. will still exist, so this could simply be a way of generating more money online. Think of it this way: Microsoft will probably purchase, so pornographers don’t tarnish Microsoft’s name by uploading nerdy robot porn. But then again, anyone who’s anyone has watched robot porn. I’m in favor of free porn for all. I just feel sorry for the old men still paying for online porn or, even worse, driving to adult movie stores to rent them on VHS.

I can’t wait until the top level domain “.omgthisisawebsite” gets approved. In a few years’ time, I'll probably be able to buy the website “www.sam.imthefuckingshit."

If you were to start a petition to the ICANN, what domain name would you want approved? Comment below.