Stop Ignoring Your Frat Flu

copyright free image / credit @kellysikkema

From the cough attacks in quiet lecture halls to the constant cycle of sniffles, headaches, 

and exhaustion, it’s safe to say that being sick is now extremely normalized in college. But, the only thing more accepted than being sick in college is NOT doing anything about it! Prioritizing your health is a form of self-care. You deserve to be able to breathe through your nose again, have energy, and remember what it feels like not to have a sore throat 24/7.

We expect things to just “run their course” or “go away on their own.” This may come as a surprise, but more alcohol, more all-nighters, more avoidance, and more random hookups will not cure your “Frat Flu.” If anything, this avoidance strategy will slap a couple more weeks on the length of your college plague. So (not to sound like your mom) here are our tips and our advice about staying healthy in college, making your immune system a priority, and kicking your Frat Flu’s sorry ass.

  • Vitamins, Vitamins, Vitamins!

Once these bad boys become a part of your morning routine, they are seriously game-changers. We don’t care if it’s in the form of gummies, pills, or drops. Head over to CVS or the Barnes pharmacy and stock up! We recommend a “Wellness Drawer” which is a designated, easy-to-access drawer or cubby full of immune boosters and vitamins. Chances are, the type of “Vitamin D” you’ve been getting isn’t the type your body needs, if you know what we’re saying. The key with vitamins is to take them consistently and before you get sick.

  • EmergenC Has Our Heart

Drink your Vitamin C! Not once a week or twice a month -- try two packets every day. They taste good (if you find the flavor right for you) and spice up your boring water anyway. 

  • Hey Doc… I Have the Frat Flu

There is NO weakness in sucking it up, booking an appointment, and going to the doctor. That’s what they’re here for! Chances are, when you go to the doctor, you just might find out that your College Plague isn’t just the College Plague after all. You may have a respiratory infection, sinus infection, bronchitis, strep throat, or (God forbid) COVID. If you are trying to avoid the doctor because you’d rather ‘not know’ if you have something serious or contagious, snap out of that mindset! It’s only hurting yourself and everyone around you.

  • What’s the tea? To drink more tea.

Throat Coat tea and Immune Booster tea are so good for you and easy to find. They’re hot, soothing, and taste like a warm hug.

  • Don’t Forget The Obvious

The obvious includes: getting a sufficient amount of sleep. This is when your body heals. Drinking a lot of water! Flush out those toxins, baby. Go to Barnes and exercise when you’re healthy. You know the drill!

College is a time of adjustment and a time of newfound independence. With all of these responsibilities and so much freedom, it’s easy to forget about staying healthy. It’s easy to care more about a fun time, even if it’s literally making us sick. But… it is important to remember that we are not robots! We are not machines. We deserve to feel good. We deserve care and attention. Start setting up those good habits now, because truly, if we don’t have our health, what do we have?