Make Your Dorm More Plantastic
Graphics by Anika Dua
One thing about me is that I love having plants in my living space. There’s something so fun about picking out a plant, maybe a fun little planter too, and then taking care of it. It’s like a little child: there with you through all the good and bad, even through room décor you’ll probably regret in the future (or already do).
Besides being fun, plants can be super beneficial to your health. Healthline shares that plants help decrease stress levels, heighten productivity, and improve air quality (all things college students are in desperate need of).
So where can I go to start my plant collection? Well… unless you brought some from home, options around campus are pretty limited. Here are a few spots you can go if you need to add a little green to your dorm.
Schine Plant Sale: At the beginning of this year Schine held a plant sale. I was only able to go on the last day of the sale and unfortunately options were… limited. Hopefully there’s another one soon, because I could use a few more plants for the upcoming cold season (hear me out…mini-Christmas trees??).
Trader Joes: Although their selection is more for flowers, they have some nice plants, including some seasonal ones to keep spirits up even in the gloomy Central New York winter.
The Westcott Florist: This shop is one of the closest to campus, so if you are all about proximity, hop on a Veo and you can be there in a few minutes! They’ve got some plants that will hold up well in the dorm environment and won’t need to be watered super frequently. You can also pick up a box of chocolates here if you’re really in the mood to treat yourself.
Home Depot: Old Reliable. They usually have a nice variety at a good price. Even though you’re missing out on that cute and quaint plant shop feel, I can personally attest that my Home Depot plant at home is still going strong after a year (according to my sister whose been tasked with watering it in my absence).
Wherever you get them, plants are the perfect addition to bring some warmth and hominess to even the dreariest of dorm rooms.