Fostering an LGBTQ+ Inclusive Campus
Graphics by Anika Dua
Hey Jerks. Although LGBTQ History month came to a close in October, hopefully, you guys have enjoyed the events at the LGBTQ center and all across campus (Anyone go to the HalloQueen Ball?). But there is always the issue of performativity that has to be addressed as we wrap up this month.
You know that classic superficial move when a company covers their stores with rainbow apparel for October but the moment the clock strikes 12 am on November 1st, the pride decorations are stuffed right back into the closets? (Pun intended). Frankly, it’s very performative and shallow whenever this happens. A genuine act of allyship and celebration of LGBTQ pride should be to be consistent across the board. Not just when it’s convenient for profits or not when it’s the one month where you need to be woke.
So back to ‘Cuse, we hope the LGBTQ events that Syracuse University puts on continue to be consistent and continue outside of the month of October. We hope for the solidarity to be shown with the diverse queer communites on campus. We hope the school engages the student body by offering educational opportunties and new spaces to learn. This way, geninue effort and dedication towards supporting the LGBTQ community can be shown, past just a single month or just changing a logo color.