5 Pieces of Guilty Pleasure Porn That are a Must-Watch

squidward__handsome_squidward_by_millegas-d61zr7o Everyone has that thing. You know, that thing that turns them on. That thing, because sometimes looking at an ol’ dick or vagina on a screen just isn’t enough to do it anymore. Everyone has a guilty pleasure that they are shy to admit to having—and we at Jerk compiled a list of the sexiest and most orgasm-inducing ones that you may have. So next time you’re in the mood for sexy time but are tired and bored of PornHub, here is what you should check out:

Symmetry: What is sexier than a perfectly symmetrical object? The answer is nothing. There’s a reason why you tend to start panting when you see a perfectly round circle; it’s because of the satisfying aesthetic.

Nachos: Hot queso and a fresh tomato salsa oozing off tortilla chips has to be one of the most erotic things to witness. If you want to achieve the full orgasmic experience, watch a tasty video of nachos made four ways- we know.

Steve Jobs: Smart is the new sexy. Throw out that old XXX DVD you’ve had since you were 13 and, instead, watch a biopic on the man behind Apple, Steve Jobs. Extra points if you decide to roleplay to it.

The Folly of Man… or Handsome Squidward: While you may have been too embarrassed to admit it, it’s universally known that handsome Squidward is the object of anyone’s desires. Who isn’t turned on by the demise of the tragic hero?

“I Don’t Dance” Scene of HSM 2: Everyone can agree that the sexual tension between Chad and Ryan is undeniable in the famous baseball scene in High School Musical 2. A musical number, boys in baseball uniforms, and young Corbin Bleu, are perfect for a romantic evening for one.