5 Things We Want to See in 3D


By Shea Garner

Anyone who saw Avatar can attest that James Cameron’s revolutionary 3D technology was mind-blowing. It left a number of fanboys — and girls — in awe, slightly aroused, and wanting more. Alien sex scene, anyone?

Fear not, fans, because the industry has heard your cries, and in response, it’s given you Avatar porn. But more importantly, last week, Hong Kong premiered the country’s first 3D porno: 3D Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstasy. According to the AFP, the $3.2-million movie opened to packed cinemas across Hong Kong on Thursday. It’s based on a classic Chinese erotic text called The Carnal Prayer Mat, and follows a young man as he enters a world of sexual indiscretions in the Ming dynasty.

Sure, everyone wants to see soft porn in 3D, but when do we cross the line? Never. JERK supports the 3D revolution and has a few suggestions of other things we're hoping to see pop out before our eyes. Here are our top five.

CitrusTV. Let’s be honest: it needs that added spark. The only problem might be funding this venture. Bob Costas, here’s looking at you.

iTunes Visualizer. Nothing passes the time while waiting for Wings like the iTunes visualizer. Phish visuals in 3D? And perfect timing: 4/20 is this Wednesday.

Skype. Having trouble with your long-distance relationship? 3D Skype could help ease the frustration. Phone sex is so 2008.

Lingerie Football League. ESPN 3D launched this year, so now we’re just counting down until the Lingerie Bowl is broadcasted in 3D. It brings a whole new meaning to the term “tight end.”

Tops Advertisements. Nothing does a better job of selling a 30 than an eye-popping, dripping cold Natty Ice. We’d actually like to see this in 4D (so droplets of beer actually touch our tongues).

What’s your favorite 3D experience? What would you like to see in 3D? Give us some ideas below.