5 Truths About Life as Told by Dave Grohl


12_5_replay If you haven’t been living under a rock, you most likely know who Dave Grohl is. And if you have been living under a rock, he’s the cover star of the most recent Rolling Stone issue and the front man of the 11-time Grammy winning band the Foo Fighters. (They just released their new album Sonic Highway, by the way). He also rocked alongside Kurt Cobain in Nirvana, so you could say he’s earned some street cred. Grohl is also known for being super outspoken and giving zero fucks, so here are five truths as told by the wise and wonderful Dave Grohl.

1. “I don’t believe in guilty pleasures, you know. You should be able to like what you like…”

Attention all hipsters, this one’s for you! Liking a song or artist because it’s “ironic” or will make you cool, is just not cool, period. Life is too short to pretend you don’t love every song from High School Musical. And there’s no need to be ashamed of jamming out to the Jonas Brothers every once in awhile. I mean we all do it, right? No one’s judging you, I promise.

2. “You want people to fucking listen to your music? Give them your music. And then go play a show. They like hearing your music? They'll go see a show. To me it's that simple, and I think it used to work that way…”

I’m sure you’ve heard about Taylor Swift pulling her music from Spotify blah, blah, boring at this point, but Dave Grohl’s response to the matter deserves an amen. I get it, Taylor — you worked hard and deserve to be paid. Maybe streaming services aren’t good for the goose, but they’re good for the gander, aka your fans, and isn’t that what an artist should care about most? Look T-Swift, our generation is a bunch of Internet wizards, and we are going to find a way to listen whether you like it or not, so maybe just give it up?

3. “Alex Turner, fuck yeah, he's a rock star. I'll see a young band like them become that popular and think, 'Please God, don't let them self-destruct.'”

The Arctic Monkeys had a HUGE year following the release of their album AM and in the name of all that is good and holy, let us pray that their success continues on its righteous path. Their music is truly epic, and I reserve that adjective for only those who really deserve it. Not only is Alex Turner a "rock star," he’s basically idolized as a sex god all over Tumblr, so they definitely won’t have a hard time getting people to come to their shows. So don’t sell out, Arctic Monkeys, cause you’ve got a great thing going.

4. “Radio should not be warm milk. It should be moonshine.”

We all are aware that the radio sucks these days. The same songs are played over and over and over again until you start to like the songs you really hated and then start to hate them all over again because you are just SO sick of hearing them. I think we all feel that way about “Rude” by MAGIC! am I right? Grohl’s point is that a song should have bite without having to be played a billion times. We’re being brainwashed to believe that a “catchy” song is automatically a good one. False.

5. “Foo Fighters is the stupidest fucking name.”

Glad we’re all on the same page with this one, Dave.

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