The iPhone X Should Be Your iPhone Ex

iphone X

Last month, Apple unveiled their long-awaited, blockbuster product: The iPhone X (pronounced iPhone 10, but I still say iPhone “ex”). Naturally, pre-orders of the shiny new product are through the roof. And honestly, I understand why. The iPhone X is an absolutely gorgeous phone with its fancy glass screen and all, but here’s where the hot take comes in: it’s time for society to move on from the iPhone.

Before you get defensive, hear me out. Sure, we love the blue and white text bubbles; we roll our eyes at the green ones. iMessage is an undeniably strong feature of the iPhone, and the way it interacts with other iPhones is pure genius. With that said, though, everything about the iPhone is totally replaceable—they’re just bubble colors—and there are ample products out there not only represent a suitable replacement, but a notable upgrade, too.

Think about what you use your iPhone for, aside from texting. You listen to music. You Snapchat. You hit up Facebook, Twitter, Tinder, and Instagram. There is nothing about these functions that demands you actually have an iPhone. Yes, it works well and looks good, but there’s no reason you should have to limit yourself to one product when there are alternatives available, despite their lesser popularity.

I left the iPhone last November to get a Google Pixel, and I have been nothing but happy about my decision since. I eventually shifted to a Samsung S8 (after damaging the Pixel beyond repair) and while both might lack the style of Apple, they completely make up for it in terms of functionality.

The greatest thing about leaving the iPhone is the new-found flexibility you’ll discover. The iPhone revolutionized mobile phones because of its strict design and simple use, which is great, but as consumers we have evolved past the simplicity. Aren’t you bored of same old features you knew how to use when you got your iPhone? Sure, an Android might take a minute or two to “figure out”, but once you have it down, there is no limit to customization and the things you can do.

Since moving to Android, I’ve noticed I have paid more attention to my calendar, while also enjoying a substantially better battery life. Time-management and less dependency on chargers? If that doesn’t convince you, I don’t know what will. Additionally, the Google Photos app is fantastic, as it organizes your photos seamlessly with some great facial recognition technology. Take that, iPhone ex.

While I stand as a strict advocate for Android phones, I obviously have no problem with the iPhone. In fact, the temptation is always there in the back of my mind, as I do appreciate the style, and it would shut everyone up about the green text bubbles. This is the core reason I have become a champion for this phone: not succumbing to peer pressure. You should never have to make a major decision in your life because of what others do, and while it may seem silly to say your phone is a major decision, we all know it is. An Android obviously isn’t for everyone, but it might be better for you than you think.