Keep it Clean: Mark Your Calendars For EARTHFEST, April 24th in Thornden Park

Taken from EARTHFEST, Facebook Event Greetings, earthlings.

Yes, there is snow on the ground in April, but spring has sprung, and it's officially the season to celebrate our beautiful planet.

In an annual tradition, Students of Sustainability, NYPIRG and SU Sustainability Division are hosting their art and music festival EARTHFEST on Sunday, April 24 in Thornden Park.

Last year, over 700 people attended the festival, according to SOS marketing director Dana Wakeley and Alison Gibson, a PR intern for SU Sustainability Division. Wakeley and Gibson are hoping this year's event will bring in even more people from the campus and from the local community.

In a day-long event to spark discussion about environmental issues, EARTHFEST will host live bands, speakers, and vendors such as Overcast T-Shirts. Volunteer organizations like Orange Music Group and Brainfeeders will be tabling at the event as well.

“This is an event that brings consciousness to the community about your environmental impact and just how you live your daily life,” Wakeley said. “It’s meant to be a celebration that encourages people to be excited about the earth and preserving it.”

Sustainability isn’t something most students think about on a regular basis, but in a large scale event like this, with live music and pre-yoga, you can’t help but be drawn into the conversation. Though a one-day event doesn’t seem like it can reverse global warming or stop deforestation, events like EARTHFEST can spark a real change.

“Sustainability issues and things related to the environment really take a lot of people to be interested in them for things to happen,” Gibson said. “So if more people in the community and more students can really speak up about that and understand these kinds of issues a little better, then it really allows an easier platform to get things done on our campus.”

While we constantly curse Mother Nature for our treacherous Syracuse weather, it’s important to appreciate our world and to take care of it. Small changes can make a big difference. Be a part of the change.