The Week: What You Missed


Sunday, July 31| Gamers, make sure you complete your pre-game warm up exercises and take your time outs. A 20-year-old London native died from a blood clot after extended video game use.

Obama announced late Sunday that there is a new budget deal that will cut trillions of dollars in US spending. First step: raise the debt ceiling and create the opportunity for only more trouble.

Monday, Aug. 1| Even the tooth fairy needed to pinch some pennies this year. Studies show that the tooth fairy’s going rate has dropped from $3 to $2.6o in this economy.

Back on the hill, SU claimed the title of No. 12 party school in the nation according to the Princeton Review. Let us pay homage to this prestigious title, fellow students, and party hard this coming year.

Tuesday, Aug. 2| As if it did not already rule the world, Apple is expected to double its mobile electronic market share when the iPhone 5 is released. Mr. Jobs, didn't your mother teach you how to share?

It's true: MTV reality TV shows require participants to sign contracts that declare they could die, the events are staged, and what happens on the show could affect you in real life. You mean GTL is not a way of life?

Wednesday, Aug. 3| With unemployment rates shooting through the roof, it’s no shocker that more Americans are in need of food stamps. Records show that the data is up 2.5 percent.

Times are getting tough, and freeloaders are becoming less and less tolerated, even in coffee shops. It's rumored that a Starbucks in NYC hid outlets so laptop hobos or hipsters couldn't take advantage of the free Wi-Fi and sit in the store all day, eating up the electricity.

Thursday, Aug. 4| A horrible deja vu almost occurred on Virginia Tech’s campus when a group of students attending an academic camp reported seeing a man with a gun. Thankfully, no one was harmed and those on campus were released from lockdown.

With a culture all about peace, love, unity and respect, it's hard to believe that ravers could start riots. But due to riots in LA, movie theaters across the nation canceled the one-time showing of "Electric Daisy Carnival Experience", a film about the 2010 rave held in the Los Angeles Colosseum. If you want to see the preview, click here.

Friday, Aug. 5| Not recovering from the Thursday plunge, the stock market stayed consistent at its five percent drop in the United States. Many worry that this is the start of our double-dip recession.

It is a known fact that men think with both heads. It has been proven that when having sex, a man's brain activity shows stimulation. Only recently have women been studied this closely too. Scientists not only discovered the obvious fact that women enjoy sex, but when different body parts are stimulated on a woman, it results in a variety of brain activity.

Saturday, Aug. 6| The MTV Video Music Awards announced a new category called “Best Video With a Message.” Might as well just call it the “Lady Gaga Born This Way” category and hand the award to Mother Monster right now.

In other music news, Coldplay performed a new song, “Hurts Like Heaven” during their headlining set at Lollapalooza. If you are not a Chicago native or were not lucky enough to attend, the video is here.