The Week: What You Missed


¦Sunday, June 5¦

The French banned the words “Twitter” and “Facebook” from being used on television and radio, claiming “if we allow Facebook and Twitter to be cited on air, it's opening a Pandora's Box— other social networks will complain to us saying, 'why not us.'” Yes, please give Myspace and Friendster some free advertisement. That will send the public rushing back to those sites.

Google noticed a spike in “cancer” and “cellphone” searches this week. Some people care about the risks, others are ignoring the warnings. Bluetooth or brain cancer? The choice is yours.

¦Monday, June 6¦

New York lawmakers proposed the “Cyber Crime Youth Rescue Act,” a new legislation that will be more lenient on teens that are caught sexting. Supporters believe prosecuting children under child pornography laws is a bit ridiculous. Horny couples split for the summer also agree.

Introducing the iCloud, Apple’s newest feature that provides wireless backup and syncing for customer’s apps, music, documents, books, photos, videos, calendars, and contacts. Touché, Steve Jobs. Apple is now one step closer to complete world domination.

¦Tuesday, June 7¦

Obama gave a speech about the recession. Bottom line: it still exists. Good luck and God's speed if you're unemployed and job hunting.

Higher education is pulling out all the stops the keep donors contributing big bucks to fund scholarships. Some colleges have started to force recipients to write thank you notes to donors. Until they do so, no dough. And I bet you thought you were finished with nagging adults once you left home...

Connecticut just got a lot more chill: weed has been decriminalized and will only result in a $150 fine, as long as you have less than a half-ounce and you are over 21.

¦Wednesday, June 8¦

A Catholic school in Ontario allowed it’s unofficial GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) group to hold an anti-homophobic rally (how tolerant!)...but banned the use of rainbows on posters and banners, booklets about gender identity, donations towards LGBT charities, and mentioning the school's name at the Pride Parade (never mind).

While it's been live for a while in the US, Facebook extended Facial Recognition, it’s newest feature, to all countries this week. Unless you disable the feature, those pictures of you taking a funnel to the face from last night’s party will be all over newsfeeds in the morning. Be wary...

¦Thursday, June 9 ¦

Ann Curry officially became an anchor on the Today Show. Since she's been on the show so often, no surprise there.

Mark Zuckerberg gave a speech to eighth graders during a graduation ceremony at Belle Haven Community School in Menlo Park, CA. His speech stressed that there were no shortcuts to success. Apparently Zuckerberg doesn’t count borrowing a classmate’s idea for a website as a shortcut...