The Week: What You Missed

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Sunday, August 28| Syracuse may not have felt the total wrath of Irene, but other parts of the east coast definitely did. Eleven civilians died this weekend due to the disaster.

On a happier note, during the VMAs Beyonce confirmed the rumors that the extra weight she was carrying was just a baby bump. In a couple of months, we could have a new diva running the world (if it’s a girl).

Monday, August 29| West coast environmental freaks strike again, and this time their target is Styrofoam. This upcoming election California residents will be voting to ban this material from being used.

For the first time in a while, stocks were up after Irene hit this past weekend. It seems ironic that something so terrifying made our economy better.

Tuesday, August 30| Bored in class already? Maybe you need John Mosley, a music producer, sitting in front of you. The Huffington Post featured a post with Mosley’s entertaining tattoo: a "Where’s Waldo" illustration on his back.

Make sure you go and get the new iPlank like Ashley McDowell of South Carolina. It is being sold by two sketchy guys for as much as you will give them and features a piece of wood painted like an iPad, apple logo and all.

Wednesday, August 31| Wednesday seemed to be ladies day in the news. Pregnant ladies, avoid the alcohol but feel free to light up a cig. According to a study, cigarettes are not as harmful for the baby as other other tobacco products.

JCPenney’s was criticized for an anti-feminist girl’s shirt that said, “I am too pretty to do my homework so my brother did it for me.” What happened to girl power?

Thursday, September 1st| If you have $3,200 sitting around and want a constant reminder on your finger of your awful failed relationship, make sure you order yourself a divorce ring.

If you can avoid the mobs of freshman and somehow get around the limitation on beer, football games might actually be a good time this year. The Orange rallied to beat Wake Forest 36-29 in overtime yesterday evening.