These Bikini Tops Are Making a Difference


10_21_Style October is the month where it feels like everything turns to shit. No longer will we be able to experience the oh so wonderful nature of sunlight, nor do we even dare utter the words “winter is coming.” You begin to question all your life choices, especially why you decided to go to school in Syracuse out of all places. Despite questioning your sanity, however, it's always important to take a second to simply appreciate the blessings and positives in life because so many people have it much worse.

Breast cancer is one of those things that is extremely underrepresented in society. However, breast cancer is more common than most people perceive it — “about 1 in 8 U.S. women (about 12 percent) will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime.” This is a disease that anyone could get at any point of their lives, which is why The TaTa Top, an online bikini tops brand, has taken the initiative to shed more light on breast cancer awareness. The brand has come out with a line of bikini tops with bare breasts printed on them, retailing for $28, in efforts to alleviate the stigma that comes with a sensitive topic like breast cancer.

With October being breast cancer awareness month, there is no better time to rep these sexy bikini tops than the present. Even though the weather conditions right now at Syracuse might not allow you to wear them outdoors (drunken dares are an acception), you can definitely pull a Tim Gunn moment and #MakeItWork. Layer a sheer knit sweater over the boobkini top or simply layer it over a plain t-shirt to really bring all the boys to the yard. Don’t believe me when I say people actually wear these boobkini tops in public? Just check out the shop’s Instagram and see all the happy customers bearing their boobkinis all while supporting breast cancer awareness.

The TaTa Top is setting a great example as a leading philanthropic brand in their mission to not only bring awareness to breast cancer, but also by donating $5 of every purchase made to the Keep A Breast Foundation. Maybe you were having a great day before you read this article and now you feel like shit #sorrynotsorry, but just remember that “in the year 2014, about 40,000 women in the U.S. are expected to die from breast cancer.” This is not an issue that is irrelevant to us or isn’t worth the publicity; this can very well happen to everyone and anyone, as it is a disease that does not discriminate against race, ethnicity, or gender. Yes, guys can get it too.

We will see the outside of Bird soon, my friend. But amidst all the stress you are feeling from midterms, don’t forget to relax and have some fun with these bikini tops while supporting a great cause. Flash your boobkinis at Jerk with the hashtag #JerkMagazine and tag @JerkMagazine.

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